The interpretation of the Bible
Catechism: The official teaching of the Catholic Church
Conservative: One who believes the Bible is the revealed word of God, not God's actual words
Fundamentalist: One who believes the Bible is the actual/literal words of God
Lectio Divina: A way of studying passages from the Bible with prayer and meditation
Liberal: One who believes the Bible was written by humans inspire by God
The Church as the Body of Christ and the People of God
Ecumenical Movement: Movement working for co-operation between the Churches and eventual Church unity
Orthodox Churches: National Churches which are in the union with the Patriarch of Constantinople
Patriarch: The highest ranking bishop in Orthodox Christianity
Annunciation: The greeting of Gabriel when he told Mary that she was to have a son who would be the Christ
Assumption: The belief that the Virgin Mary was taken into heaven body and soul
Immaculate conception: The belief that the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin and was always full of grace
Sources of ethical and personal decision making
Conscience: An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action
Golden Rule: The teaching of Jesus that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you
Natural Law: The inbuilt moral order of the universe
Sermon on the Mount: Jesus’ description of Christian living