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Beliefs & Teachings


The Trinity

Catechism: The official teaching of the Catholic Church
Creed: Statement of Christian beliefs
Magisterium: The Pope and the bishops interpreting the Bible and tradition for Catholics today
Nicene Creed: Statement of Christian belief accepted by most Christians
Sacraments: Outward sign of an inward blessing through which invisible grace is given to a person

Beliefs & Teachings: The Trinity
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Biblical understandings of God as Trinity

Adoptionism: The heresy that the Son of God was adopted by God and not begotten of God
Arianism: The heresy that the Son of God was created by God after the creation
Church Council: Assembly of bishops authorised to make decisions on theological issues
Heresy: A religious opinion which contradicts official Church teaching

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Benevolent: Good and loving
Ex nihilo: From nothing
Omnipotent: All powerful
Original sin: The sin of the first humans (symbolised by Adam and Eve)


The nature of humanity

Dominion: Having power and authority
Encyclical: A letter addressed by the Pope to all the bishops of the Church
Free will: The idea that human beings are free to make their own choices
Humanism: Belief in reason and human values but no belief in God

The Incarnation

Incarnation: The belief that God became a human being as Jesus
Salvation: Deliverance from sin
Virgin birth: The belief that Jesus was not conceived through sex


The Paschal Mystery

Paschal: Relating to Easter
Paschal mystery: The term the Church uses to refer to the death and resurrection of Jesus and their effects on salvation
Redemptive efficacy: The term the Church uses to refer to the death and resurrection of Jesus guaranteeing humanity’s salvation

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The nature of salvation and grace

Charisms: Special gifts or callings
Grace: Undeserved mercy from God which gives the strength to be good and holy
Salvation: The act of delivering from sin or saving from evil, of healing a broken relationship with God



Eschatology: Religious beliefs about death, judgement and life after death
Heaven: A place of infinite peace in the presence of God
Hell: A place of eternal separation from the love of God
Immortality of the soul: The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body
Purgatory: A preparation for heaven, a place of purification and healing

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