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Judaism Practices
Rituals and ceremonies in Judaism
Minyan: The required number of adult Jewish males for certain prayers to be said in the synagogue
Mohel: Person trained to perform Brit Milah
Avelut: The mourning period
Chevra kaddisha: Burial society
Kaddish: The prayer recited publicly by mourners
Yarzheit: The anniversary day of someone’s death

Jewish festivals
Etrog: A citron fruit
Kol Nidrei: Annulment of vows made before Yom Kippur
Shofar: Ram’s horn
Tashlich: Casting away sins into running water
Afikomen: A piece of unleavened bread eaten at the end of the seder meal
Chametz: Any food containing leaven/yeast
Hagadah: Book telling the story of the first Passover

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