The Sacramental nature of reality
Chrism: The oil used in baptism, confirmation and ordination
Grace: Undeserved blessing from God
Lay ministries: Special ways of serving the Church opened to the non-ordained
Penance: An action showing contrition
Contrition: Sorrow for the sin committed and deciding not to commit the sin again

Catholic liturgical worship
Nonconformists: English Protestants who are not members of the Church of England
Penitential Rite: The confession and absolution at the beginning of Mass
Transubstantiation: The belief that during the Mass the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit

Cenacle: The Upper Room in Jerusalem where the Last Supper took place
Papal basilica : A title given to the four highest ranking buildings of the Catholic Church
Relic: A part of a dead saint’s body or belonging
Venerate: Treat with deep religious respect
Via dolorosa: ‘The way of tears’, the route Jesus took from Pilate’s court to Golgotha